• 献本


978-4-7827-0649-7 C3043 /2011年3月刊行
豊橋技術科学大学名誉教授 伊藤浩一
大阪大学名誉教授 蒲池幹治 共著
B5・並製・174頁/定価 2,530円(本体2,300円)

 1 覚えておきたい接頭語・接尾語
  1-1 数に関する接頭語
  1-2 有機化合物の炭素鎖,級,分岐に関する接尾語
  1-3 水・油・親・疎(好き嫌い),分解に関する接頭語・接尾語
  1-4 内外,出入,に関する接頭語
  1-5 反対を表す接頭語
  1-6 その他の接頭語
  1-7 化合物名に関する接尾語
 2 よく出くわす化学関連用語
 3 よく使われる構文
 4 基本英文型
 Ex. 1 Identifying Molecules and Atoms with Light
 Ex. 2 Petroleum
 Ex. 3 General Chemistry
 Ex. 4 The Early Days of Linus Pauling
 Ex. 5 Nagasaki 1945
 Ex. 6 Host-Guest Chemistry
 Ex. 7 Sustainable Energy System
 Ex. 8 Temperature
 Ex. 9 Equilibrium
 Ex.10 Hydrogen Bonding
 Ex.11 Surface–active Agent
 Ex.12 Combustible Liquid
 Ex.13 Acid Rain
 Ex.14 Iron
 Ex.15 Octane Rating of Gasoline
 Ex.16 Dimerization of Isobutene to Isooctene
 Ex.17 Tropolones
 Ex.18 Chirality
 Ex.19 Virus
 Ex.20 Carbohydrates
 Ex.21 DNA-The Architect of Life
 Ex.22 Natural Rubber
 Ex.23 Nylon
 Ex.24 Great Art in a Test Tube

 Ex.25 Chemistry and Society
 Ex.26 SI System
 Ex.27 Periodic Law
 Ex.28 Radioactivity
 Ex.29 Carbon Isotopes
 Ex.30 Carbon Dioxide, Henry’s Law, and Absolute Zero
 Ex.31 Ionic and Covalent Compounds
 Ex.32 Energy and Working
 Ex.33 Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics
 Ex.34 Objectives of Chemical Thermodynamics
 Ex.35 The First, Second, and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
 Ex.36 Number and Choice of Components
 Ex.37 The Tubular-Flow Reactor
 Ex.38 Soap as an Amphiphilic Compound
 Ex.39 Origin of Surface Tension
 Ex.40 Electromagnetic Radiation
 Ex.41 Ultraviolet (UV) and Visible Spectroscopy
 Ex.42 Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy
 Ex.43 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
 Ex.44 Metals
 Ex.45 Antacids
 Ex.46 Clathrates, Methane and Carbon Dioxide Hydrates
 Ex.47 Silicon, Silica, and Zeolites
 Ex.48 Ions in Your Body
 Ex.49 Acid and Base
 Ex.50 Superacids
 Ex.51 Nature of Organic Molecules
 Ex.52 Aspirin
 Ex.53 Sweeteners
 Ex.54 Terpenes
 Ex.55 Drugs
 Ex.56 Alkaloids
 Ex.57 Connecting Biomass and Petroleum Processing
     With a Chemical Bridge
 Ex.58 Amino Acids to Proteins
 Ex.59 Lipids
 Ex.60 Digestion of Carbohydrates
 Ex.61 Nucleic Acids and Heredity
 Ex.62 Polyethylene and Polypropylene
 Ex.63 Rubber Elasticity
 Ex.64 Silicones
 Ex.65 Implanted Polymers for Drug Delivery
 Ex.66 Biopolymers versus Synthetic Polymers
 Ex.67 Films, Membranes, and Coatings
 Ex.68 Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids
 Ex.69 Block Copolymer Micelles
 Ex.70 Serendipity
 Ex.71 Serendipity in Polyethylene and Polypropylene
 和訳例 Ex.25~71



更新: 2022年12月27日
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